Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

Last updated on 10/5/2023
California’s COVID-19 State of Emergency is over, but COVID-19 has not gone away. To safely go about our daily lives, we need to keep taking steps to prevent the spread. The CA LGBTQ HHS Network strongly encourages everyone to support health equity by getting vaccinated if you are medically able to do so!
Coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted millions of people and requires swift collective action, and accurate, timely, and science-based information. We also know that LGBTQ+ people, and those community centers, health care workers, social groups, and others who work closely with LGBTQ+ communities have specific questions and needs during this time. To help you navigate the constantly changing flow of information, we have compiled resources for you below, and will update as often as possible.
The CA LGBTQ HHS Network has created an LGBTQ+ COVID Safety social media toolkit. The toolkit provides inclusive images/captions to highlight many communities under the LGBTQ+ umbrella and tips for how to stay safe and protect oneself from COVID-19. Please share these graphics and messages widely with your networks and help keep our community safe.
COVID-19 vaccination: Learn more about vaccinations and access at
If you have additional questions, concerns, or would like to recommend resources for this page, please email
You probably already know the basics, but:
- Get tested and know your status to help fight the spread of COVID-19
- Upgrade your mask. When in crowded indoor spaces or your risk is higher, increase your protection by upgrading your mask. Read more here
- Continue to wear a mask to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 and other variants
- Practice good hygiene, wash your hands, for at least twenty seconds (you can use this handy lyrics generator as a guide);
- Avoid touching your face;
- Stay home except for essential needs;
- Practice social distancing, maintaining at least 6 feet between yourself and other people when you do go out; and
- Disinfect your phone and other commonly touched items.
- Winter Virus Prevention - This Winter season, celebrate and gather in ways that limit the spread of respiratory viruses like respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), flu, and COVID-19. Follow these five tips to protect yourself and others from winter viruses.
COVID-19 vaccination is one of the most important tools to end the COVID-19 pandemic. The State is prioritizing vaccines for equitable distribution to everyone in California who wants it. Please review the following resources on the COVID-19 vaccination in California.
- Find COVID-19 vaccines near you with the Vaccine Finder
- Get notified when you can get the vaccine and to schedule appointments
- California's COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan
- COVID-19 Care for Uninsured Individuals (HHS)
- Read the latest Fact Sheet (English and Spanish) about COVID-19 vaccines for children (Provided by the Central Valley Immigrant Integration Collaborative)
- Community Conversations: Boosters
- Importance of the Booster - Each new variant of COVID-19 is the virus trying to survive and get stronger. The booster provides protection for us and our loved ones.
- People of Faith AND Science - Experts share why they believe it is okay to have faith in science as well as religion during the pandemic.
- Vaccine Distruct in the Black Community - Experts discuss their understanding of medical distrust in the African American community and the need to change the relationship as we continue to live during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- More Transparency on Vaccination Progress - The state's website now diplays data on California's progress in vaccinating groups and communities with the most urgent need. Dashboards include statewide and county progress by the Vaccine Equity Metric (VEM), race and ethnicity or age. A map displays ZIP-code-level data on vaccination progress within each VEM quartile. These dashboards will be updated weekly, on Wednesdays.
- At-Home Vaccination program – Homebound residents can currently contact their health care providers for in-home vaccinations. These services are expanding statewide and individuals unable to leave their home to get vaccinated may also indicate as such via or contact the state’s CA COVID-19 hotline at (833) 422-4255 to be connected with their local health jurisdiction to arrange for in-home vaccination services.
- Free Transportation to Vaccine Appointments – Individuals who do not have a means of transportation can receive free transportation through or by contacting the state’s COVID-19 hotline at (833) 422-4255. Transportation includes automobile transportation for ambulatory patients and non-emergency medical transportation for non-ambulatory patients including wheelchair vans, gurney transportation and other options. Medi-Cal managed care and fee-for-service beneficiaries will be connected with their health plan or service provider to access this service as an existing health benefit.
- Guide to promoting Immigrant Health
- COVID-19 Misinformation Alerts - Knowing what misinformation is being shared can help you generate effective understanding. These insights are based on a combination of automated media monitoring and manual review by public health data analysts.
- Encourage your friends and family to get vaccinated and share this PSA from California Governors Gavin Newsom, Jerry Brown, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Pete Wilson.
- Click here to watch a recap of California’s work to equitably distribute COVID-19 vaccines across the state.
Important Website Resources:
International, federal, state, and local officials are providing updates on coronavirus response daily. You can stay up to date on the latest science-based news and recommendations by using the following links.
- California's Face Covering Guidance
- Fact Sheet: Omnicron Variant available here
- California's Travel Advisory
- California’s coronavirus hospitalizations hit all-time low
- CDC: Pfizer's Use of COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents Age 12 and Older
- CDC: How to Protect Yourself and Others When You've Been Fully Vaccinated
- CDC: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- CDPH: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- DHCS COVID‑19 Response
- National LGBTQ Cancer Network: Coronavirus 2019 Information
- WHO: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public
- Learn more from the CDC
- Follow the Office of the Governor of California on Twitter and Facebook for daily livestream coverage and updates on the state’s response to COVID-19.
- Contact your local public health offices to updates on any specific precautions or responses taking place in your community.
LGBTQ Californians are at increased vulnerability for COVID-19 due to higher rates of tobacco use and chronic health conditions such as HIV, cancer, and diabetes. LGBTQ people are also more likely to delay needed medical care due to past experiences of discrimination, unwelcoming environments, or other barriers to seeking care such as high costs or lack of affirming providers in their area.
- The American Lung Association: COVID-19 resource list.
- Asian Smokers Quitline: COVID-19 resources in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese.
- California Department of Public Health: Intimacy During COVID-19
- California HIV/AIDS Policy Research Centers: COVID-19 Organizational Health Survey
- California Immigrant Policy Center: COVID-19 Resource Guide for Immigrants in California
- California Smokers’ Helpline: COVID-19 landing page.
- California Smokers' Helpline: COVID-19 lading page in Spanish.
- California Smokers’ Helpline: Quit Smoking & Vaping Services
- CDC: COVID-19: What people with HIV should know
- CDPH: QUITTING TIME - Tobacco and COVID-19
- Equality California: COVID-19 LGBTQ+ Help Center
- Family Equality: A Virtual Hub for LGBTQ+ Families
- Health Consumer Alliance: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
- LGBTQ COVID-19 Data: California said it would track COVID in LGBTQ community. It largely hasn't
- The Fenway Institute: Coronavirus, COVID-19, and Considerations for People Living with HIV and LGBTQIA+ People
- Gender Justice LA: Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming, Intersex (TGI)-centered Resource Guide
- HIV.GOV: Coronavirus Information for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Recipients and Partners
- National Center for Transgender Equality: The Coronavirus (COVID-19): What Trans People Need to Know
- National LGBTQ Cancer Network: Coronavirus 2019 Information
- Tobacco Free California: Protect yourself from COVID-19: Stop smoking and vaping now
- Tobacco Free California: Hookah and COVID-19: How Hookah puts you at risk
- Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund: A Know Your Rights Guide for Transgender People Navigating COVID-19
LGBTQ people can mitigate these risks by addressing underlying health conditions.
- People who use tobacco can reduce their risk of serious lung disease caused by coronavirus by quitting smoking and vaping.
- People who are living with HIV should ensure that they are following treatment protocols, including taking medications, to ensure viral suppression and reduce risk associated with COVID-19. According to the 2018 California HIV Surveillance Report, 64.2% of people living with HIV in California had achieved viral suppression - underscoring the importance of staying in care.
- People with chronic health conditions should talk to their doctors to see if there are any special precautions they should be taking, such as eliminating travel wearing an N-95 mask, or getting 90-day refills for any prescription medication.
- LGBTQ people can find an affirming primary care provider through the GLMA directory or other resources listed by the National LGBTQ Cancer Network.
* Is this pandemic affecting your health and coverage? Health Access, California's health consumer advocacy coalition, is collecting COVID-19 stories to better inform advocacy efforts. Please click here to share your story.
CDC's Guidance for Organizing Large Events and Gatherings
Governor Newsom Outlines the State's Next Step in the COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery, Moving Beyond the Blueprint
California Department of Public Health: Latest COVID-19 Facts
*06:18: Gov. Gavin Newsom issues statewide mask order: Californians must wear face coverings in public. Read more.
*06/18: All individuals living in the State of California are currently ordered to stay home or at their place of residence, except for permitted work, local shopping or other permitted errands, or as otherwise authorized. Read more.
Many LGBTQ+ organizations have cancelled or postponed over 100 Pride events. Many continue to provide support groups and other services online or modified in-person services. We know these cancellations and postponements involve very difficult decisions for all involved, and it's important to weigh public health guidance, and reassess as more information becomes available. Your organization is not alone in making these decisions, and many throughout the state are grappling with this as well.
Social distancing, constant news about the pandemic, and potential economic and effects can all cause greater levels of anxiety and depression in our communities. It is important to take care of our mental health during this time.
- Gender Spectrum has gathered a list of useful resources for challenging times. This webpage includes links to schedules and registration forms for their upcoming online groups for adults, youth, families, and more.
- Health Consumer Alliance: Accessing Mental HealthCare During COVID-19
- Mental Health America National has compiled an online resource list to support the mental health community in coping with COVID-19. The list includes online and phone mental health supports, tips for managing stress and anxiety, resources for parents and caregivers, resources for mental health and substance use providers, etc.
- National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network (NQTTCN)
- The Transgender Law Center is hosting virtual community gatherings to address the Coronavirus pandemic.
- Volunteers have assembled a list of Online AA Meetings for those who are in recovery and would like to attend meetings or find support virtually.
- #Out4MentalHealth: Teen Mental Health Social Media Graphics
- New Stages (a theater company for Seniors) is hosting virtual events and programs including improv, acting classes, and performances for LGBTQ+ elders to form a sense of connection during COVID-19.
The state of California is also instituting policies to help mitigate the economic impacts of COVID-19, including policies to make it easier for Californians affected to receive health insurance, unemployment, and paid family leave benefits.
- California’s one-stop website for COVID-19 resources including unemployment and paid sick leave.
- COVID-19 Community Vaccine Advisory Committee
- California Responds to COVID-19 Emergency by Providing Path to Coverage for Millions of Californians
- Share of Cost Waivers
- Health Insurance Provider COVID-19 Websites
- Health Access: Advice on Care and Coverage During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Legal Aid at Work: A List of Relief Funds for Undocumented Workers in California
- Listos California: Helps individuals, families and communities prepare for disasters like wildfires, earthquakes and floods. Their current efforts are also helping Californians respond to COVID-19.
- OCR Announces Notification of Enforcement Discretion for Telehealth Remote Communications During the COVID-19 Nationwide Public Health Emergency
- Paid Family Leave
- Unemployment
- Workplace Safety
It is a good idea to talk to your funders about any changes that you may need to make to programming or scope of work, in accordance with good public health practices. Some funders have already released statements and guidance for grantees, such as the California Endowment and San Francisco Foundation.
- The California Community Foundation has launched an emergency response fund for Los Angeles.
- The California Endowment announced an initial $5 million in emergency funding in the Central Valley and Inland Empire (primarily community health centers and passing funding through regional foundations).
- The Central Valley Community Foundation is conducting a survey about community needs related to COVID-19.
- The Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County announced $100,000 in initial emergency grants.
- The East Bay Community Foundation has launched its COVID-19: A Just East Bay Response Fund to make grants to CBOs in Alameda and Contra Costa counties.
- The Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund is using its Season of Sharing Fund to provide up to $1.9 million in assistance to low-income individuals and families in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma counties.
- Funders for LGBTQ Issues has created a webpage for LGBTQ funding resources in the COVID-19 response.
- The Humboldt Area Foundation has committed $150,000 for emergency funding in Trinity, Humboldt, Del Norte and Curry counties.
- The Inland Empire Community Foundation is seeking donations for its IE COVID-19 Resilience Fund, to make grants to local CBOs.
- The Liberty Hill Foundation has launched a COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund to support community organizers in Los Angeles.
- The Marin Community Foundation has made emergency grants and is seeking additional donors for emergency funding to CBOs.
- The Napa Valley Community Foundation is providing emergency financial assistance to individuals in Napa county.
- The Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Gilbert Fund provides grants of up to $500 available for non-profits for small "risk management" projects.
- Orange County funders have established an emergency response fund, with grants up to $50,000.
- has compiled tips for grantmakers about COVID-19 response.
- The Sacramento Region Community Foundation has activated its Sacramento Region Disaster Fund, which will make grants to local CBOs
- The San Diego Foundation has raised $5.7 million for its San Diego COVID-19 Community Response Fund.
- The San Francisco Foundation is making emergency grants to CBOs in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo.
- The Silicon Valley Community Foundation has provided funding and is seeking additional donors for emergency funding to CBOs in 10 Bay Area counties (Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, San Mateo, San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, Solano, and Sonoma counties).
- The Walter and Elise Haas Fund has published the results of its survey of its grantees, and is making rapid response grants.
- The Weingart Foundation is making an initial $1 million in emergency response funding in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura counties.
- The Women's Foundation of California has launched a Relief and Resilience Fund to provide rapid response funding to its grantees.
- Finally, here is a call to action by the Council of Foundations, signed by California funders including The California Endowment, The California Wellness Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, San Francisco Foundation, East Bay Community Foundation, Inland Empire Community Foundation, San Diego Grantmakers, and Liberty Hill Foundation.
The Network is partnering with organizations and advocates across the state for a series of web conferences focused on how COVID-19 is impacting LGBTQ+ Californians. Topics include issues surrounding access to health care, housing, homelessness, funding and unemployment. Please subscribe to our Youtube channel to view the latest recordings and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for information about upcoming webinars.
April 8, 2020
Collaborative Responses to COVID-19: Legislative LGBTQ Caucus
April 28, 2020
Collaborative Responses to COVID-19: Rural Communities
Many businesses and nonprofits are making the decision to allow, or require, staff to work from home in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. There are a number of resources available to help teams to communicate and function smoothly and keep work on track as much as possible, while you adapt to these changes.
- State, community groups change strategies to get more Latinos/as/x vaccinated
- California to Give Consumers More Time to Sign Up for Health Care Coverage by Extending Special-Enrollment Deadline During COVID-19 Pandemic.
- California will track coronavirus’ toll on LGBTQ community, after months of delay
- What People With HIV Need to Know About the New Coronavirus.
- How Do You Get People to Wear Face Masks? Ask a Sex Educator.
- COVID-19 Information and Resources provided by Health Access California